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July 7, 2022

Who Needs Malpractice Insurance and Why?

When people think about malpractice insurance, the insurance needs of doctors and hospitals come to mind. There is good reason for this — as doctors and hospitals bear the brunt of litigation. However, this does not mean that other licensed professionals are somehow exempt from being sued for malpractice. You should pay heed to the cliché that anyone can be sued.

Who Needs Malpractice Insurance

Professionals who need malpractice insurance include pharmacists, physical therapists, social workers, nurses, psychiatry professionals, dentists, optometrists, counselors and other specialty care providers. This list is by no means complete. All licensed professionals who are responsible for their work should be covered. Even medical students

may need malpractice insurance.

Why Your Employer’s Policy May Be Inadequate

While the employer does protect its employees, its insurance policy usually limits protection to work done at the place of employment. This leaves gaps in your coverage to any situations outside of your job. This includes the curbside consultation when a neighbor or friend asks for medical advice. If the advice results in the person taking the wrong course of action that leads to medical issues, you could get sued.

Your employer also won’t cover moonlighting activities such as part-time work. There may be other circumstances where a hospital that doesn’t em

ploy you allows access to their patients through their hospital. In this situation, your contact with the patients exposes you to litigation risks without benefit of insurance coverage.

Another gap in your employer’s policy is licensure problems. Licensing boards regard your license as a privilege, not a right. It can be revoked because of an action you did at your workplace or because a moral or character requirement was violated. If a complaint is made against you to your licensing board, you should have an attorney with you during the hearing. This cost will not likely be covered by your employer.

Finally, litigation may require that you pay for damages that exceed the maximum payout of your employer’s policy. Make sure that you are adequately protected, because your financial wellbeing — and even your career — may be at stake.

Protect your career. Call Insurance Associates  at 888-423-2488 for more information on Middletown malpractice insurance.

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Tags: malpractice insurance

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